Cybersecurity Policies as a Service
List of Policies
This policy establishes that each department, business unit, and all other entities are responsible for establishing access control measures that limit access to information assets in all forms, to only those individuals that are authorized to obtain it.
This policy mandates compliance with Payment Card Industry’s Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) requirements for processing, transmitting, storing and disposal of cardholder data of payment card transactions
This policy is useful when a certain compliance may not be always practical or feasible for a business unit.
The purpose of this policy is to establish minimum requirements for using and creating and securing strong passwords, and/or implementing additional authentication factors when required.
Describes the policy governing the use of information technology resources at the institution.
The purpose of this policy is to protect the privacy of individuals who have sensitive information stored (either in electronic or paper form) on assets owned by the institution.
Establish the overall plan for responding to Information Security incidents in a timely and effective manner, and to define the roles and responsibilities of participants, characterization of incidents, relationships to other policies and procedures, and reporting requirements.
Data classification and system/asset categorization enables the various entities within the institution to proactively implement appropriate cybersecurity controls based on the assessed potential impact.
This policy defines the conditions and requirements for assigning and managing administrative privileges for the administration of the IT assets.
This policy ensures the proper use of e-mail by institutional resources.
This policy ensures that data loss prevention solution preserves the confidentiality of sensitive information as a means of controlling and mitigating information risk (that is, a business risk).
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